Smarter Hospital has ANBI status
The Smarter Hospital Foundation has the ANBI status since the 1st of June 2011. So privat individuals, organizations or companies can provide tax-deductible donations. With this status the Smarter Hospital Foundation will encourage business communities to invest in Smarter Hospital.
Smarter Hospital Foundation recognized by CBF
On the 28th of May 2016 the Smarter Hospital Foundation is recognized by the Central Bureau of Fundraising (CBF) in the Netherlands.
And that makes our foundation one of the pioneers that from July 1, 2016 can call it a “registered charity” in the Netherlands The Recognition is the quality mark for charities that is issued by the CBF Supervisor. With the Recognition, organizations show that they meet strict quality requirements. Of course, different requirements apply to larger organizations than to smaller ones. No less than 4.4 billion euros in donations is under the supervision of the CBF. You can safely donate to a Recognized Charity because you can assume that the organization actually contributes to a better world, handles every euro carefully, is accountable and is independently audited.
Transparency at a glance: The CBF Recognition Passport The CBF Recognition Passport shows the most important information of a Recognized Charity in an unambiguous and neutral way. Transparency at a glance. The passport contains qualitative information about the objectives and activities of the organization as well as financial key figures. The latter have been validated by the CBF Supervisor. You can view our CBF Recognition Passport via this banner.
On July 1 Erdi Huizinga on behalf of our foundation certificate officially accepted on the Feast of Recognition in Amsterdam.
Partin is a low-threshold sector organization for Private Initiatives.
Partin gives the Private Initiatives a voice in discussions about development cooperation and promotes the interests of the private initiative. The voice of the Private Initiatives must be taken into account when deciding on development cooperation. Other important goals are sharing knowledge and promoting sustainability. This is possible, among other things, by learning from each other’s experiences. Partin also wants a benchmark, so that we can clearly demonstrate and show who we are and what we do. Development and growth we do together with our participants: they can provide all sorts of ideas that are important for the Private Initiatives to help the people who need our help as optimally as possible.