In recent years we have received many donations from donors who do not want to be named with their name and logo.
We would also like to thank these donors for their support.
In June 2023 the Smarter Hospital Foundation received a donation from the Stichting Van der Honing – Hoitinga for the YEHE Project, which will be used for improving educational quality and increasing food security Yele.
In December 2019 the SmarterHospital Foundation received a donation from
the “Kringloop winkel Re-sell”.
£50.000 Donation Action 4 Schools
In close collaboration with Action 4 Schools, Wild Geese Netherlands, Lion Heart Foundation and our foundation we have been working for a year know to complete the renovation,improvement of five schools in Yele. We have already renovated all schools, placed toilets and water and are now in phase four where the school furniture and educational materials of the present schools will be replaced and expanded. This major project for us is also financially supported by Action 4 Schools and two weeks ago Jimmy has handed over a check on behalf of Action 4 Schools of £ 50,000.
On the picture from left to right: Jimmy Brunzon (Action 4 Schools), Sander Maarleveld (Projectmanager NL Schoolproject), Gert Kroon (Smarter Hospital Foundation)
Donation from the Hofsteestichting
For the schoolproject in Yele, Sierra Leone our Foundation received € 4,000 from the Hofsteestichting.
The Hofstee Foundation is a charitable endowment fund that provides donations to projects of general public interest. The school project fit perfectly with their goal to support humanitarian projects in developing countries, with the focus on education and health. The money will be used immediately to improve conditions for the education of pupils in Yele.
Should you still want to make a donation you can subscribe through the donation button on the right of this page. The money raised will be doubled by the Wilde Ganzen.
Donation Ineke Feith Stichting
For the schools in Yele, Sierra Leone, our Foundation received € 5.000 from the Ineke Feith Stichting
If you also want to make a donation then this can still be done through the donation button below. The money raised will be doubled by the Wild Geese.
The Antonius Development Fund donated 1,100 EURO for the facilitation of the classroom in the City Garden Clinic.
More information about this project can be found on Article facilities for classroom City Garden Clinic
Jump for Yele
Final Standing 01-01-2015; donations € 1.005,00 + 552,75 Wilde Ganzen = € 1.557,75
Wilde Ganzen sponsors the schools in Yele – Sierra Leone
Last year we started a new project with the aim to provide 5 schools in Yele good basic facilities such as toilets, separate classrooms, waterproof roof linings and school resources. We have estimated that we need 110,000 EURO and the first 12,000 Euro has been in and is complemented by the Wild Geese to a total of 18,000 EURO. This amount is transferred to our partner organization Lionheart INGO and they started with the construction of toilet blocks. In addition, we have already received commitments for a total of 35,000 EURO.
There are several actions have started to reap the remaining amount;
– AOC Doetichem doing a school project
– Nieuwjaarsduik Jump for Yele
– Various Donation recruitment
You donation is very welcome and you can transfer money to account NL09ABNA0552434507 tnv Smarter Hospital Foundation o.v.v. donation or use the Donate NOW button on this website. As a foundation, we have an ANBI status so it is also fiscally attractive to make a donation.
Smarter Hospital and Lion Heart awarded with the $10.000 IBM Catalyst Grant!
Our foundation received the following message from Stanley S. Litow, Vice President, Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs President, IBM International Foundation.
It is my pleasure to notify you that your Catalyst application for Lion Heart has been awarded a Round Three – Catalyst Grant! As part of IBM’s long history supporting our communities and to celebrate our centennial, Catalyst Grants support projects that apply IBMers’ professional skills to volunteer projects with schools or community organizations, or demonstrate a connection to a local, sustainable issue. IBM and volunteerism go hand in hand. Beginning with Thomas Watson Sr., IBM pioneered the notion that a great company shares what it has with the communities where its employees and retirees live and do business. You should be very proud. Your work exemplifies that leadership and those values. It applies IBM skills to a critical issue facing the Netherlands showing IBM’s strong commitment to the community. To provide your grant visibility throughout IBM, it will be written up and show cased on w3 as well as our On Demand Community site under grants as a Round Three winner soon. Please share this good news with your not-for-profit partner as it is an opportunity for them to publically knowledge the grant and its impact to their supporters as well.
ABN AMRO donates IT equipment to Smarter Hospital !
Today ABN AMRO Bank provided a large donation to the project Smarter Hospital. The value of this donation is over 17,000 euros.
These IT resources (including 65 PCs and 15 printers) are required for setting up the 2 classrooms and 3 training rooms in hospitals in Makeni, Yele and Bai Bureh. These spaces will teach students and staff using computers and the Internet. This gives them a crucial step forward compared to other schools and training, and can the people have a be better position on the Sierra Leonese difficult labor market.
Also, the IT training is ment for education local people to work with the digitilized patient information flow, another part of the Smarter Hospital Project.
The deployement of the IT infrastructure will take place in February when the project visit the hospitals. During the visit of two weeks, the PCs will be installed whcih where prepared during the the 100 year anniversary of IBM.
On behalf of the foundation and future users we thank ABN AMRO for their support!
€ 2.850 van Lagere School CBS Werkhoven
De leerlingen van CBS De Werkhof uit Werkhoven zijn afgelopen maand druk geweest met het schoolproject over Afrika. Doel was om geld in te zamelen voor een school in Yele, Sierra Leone, maar ook om meer over te weten komen over de cultuur in Afrika.
Juf Monique Lelijveld van groep 3/4 heeft de basis gelegd voor een maand lang knutselen, schilderen en zo veel mogelijk geld te verdienen door middel van ‘Heitje voor een Karweitje’, statiegeld flessen inzameling, en het verzamelen van kleding, beddengoed, gordijnen.
Het project is op 19 april afgesloten met avond waar alle kinderen een optreden hebben verzorgd, hun schilderijen hebben geveild en op diverse standjes hebben laten zien wat ze hebben gemaakt.
Ook de Stichting Smarter Hospital aanwezig welke gaat zorgen dat de opbrengst bij de basisschool in Yele terecht gaat komen, zodat men daar schoolbanken, studiemateriaal en schoolspulletjes kunnen kopen.
Aan het einde van de avond is er een totaal bedrag opgehaald van €1.413,– en dit zal door de Stichting Smarter Hospital verdubbeld worden tot €2.850,–
Namens de school in Yele en de Stichting Smarter Hospital ENORM bedankt voor alle schenkingen.
Medic Foundation becomes partner of Smarter Hospital
The Medic Foundation from Apeldoorn goes even further partnering with Smarter Hospital Foundation in its project to three hospitals and two schools in Sierra Leone help. Medic will do so by the medical equipment necessary for the hospitals to partly finance.(around 35,000 euros)
Here are a clear agreement regarding the repayment when donors support for it. Together, the two foundations are committed to finding appropriate sponsors. Depending on these agreements and this increased cooperation could be started before the execution of the assignments and the possibility exists that in February the special operating room tables as physically placing the project team visited three hospitals in Sierra Leone. Also, the two foundations together to support the education program for hospital staff and local people. Thus, the Foundation two other schools with IT infrastructure, IT training program and three new ambulances. In addition, they will support each other in other projects, which for Smarter Hospital spearhead the IT component will be, and Medic will focus on delivering and supporting medical equipment. Together with the Foundation and SSLDF and Lionheart, which was mainly concerned with running the various hospitals and schools can create a chain function that common goal can achieve even more efficient. Medic Foundation is a volunteer organization providing medical supplies and services to help provide needy in economically deprived areas regardless of race, creed or ideology. After the establishment by the surgeon in 1968 AJFroeling Medic grown to a team of 85 people with experts in a wide area. In 2010 Medic conducted some 140 projects.
Hotel CASA 400 supports the Smarter Hospital Foundation
Hotel Casa 400 in Amsterdam supports the Smarter Hospital Foundation’s project to support three hospitals and two schools in Sierra Leone to help. Casa will do with together with her guests through to donate 2 euros per stay to the Foundation.
Hotel guests can decide whether they want to donate (more) via the flyer that´s located in there room. Both the brochure and on the Casa Informationchannel will information showed about the project. Also, guests can subscribe to the newsletter in which the state of the project is given. In the hall, they can also leave a donation by remaining (small) money to leave in a single tree. Casa ensures that all donations are collected, and will periodically transfer them to the Foundation.
Hotel Casa 400 is a 3 star tourist hotel on the outskirts of central Amsterdam. During the four summer months, guests stay in 550 rooms of the hotel, after the summer, Casa 150 hotel occupancy rooms permanently available. From Casa is easy to reach the center by the convenient location close to the Amstel Station.
This promotion runs from July 22 until February 29, 2012. The expected yield is expected at about $ 10,000.
In addition Casa also made available the inventory of the old hotel / building that has 400 rooms. This will include the hotel beds and a technical inventory which can be used in Makeni, Yele en Bay Bureh.