Phase 1 van 3: Increase self-sufficiency of CGC hospital and set up blood bank (2022 / 2023)
In this first year of our three-year-plan we focus on:
1) Realizing an intramural blood bank
2) Constructing a solar-powered electricity network
3) expanding the means of professional care in terms of knowledge, basic diagnostic tools and treatment possibilities
The current situation regarding blood transfusions and donations can be classified as poor quality of care. The two main groups of people needing blood transfusions are anaemic patients or patients planned for big surgeries. The lack of blood results in worse health outcomes, in either a delay or turn around in recovery or postponing of required surgeries.
As of this moment there is no quick, safe, and cheap option to acquire blood. The only hospital running a blood bank is the Government Hospital, which is neither quick nor cheap. There are unregistered bloodbanks selling untested and thus unsafe blood. A blood bank gives the option for relatives or even staff members to donate blood to keep the store stocked with different blood types.
The ready availability of properly stored and tested blood in a blood bank will prevent negative health outcomes, such as delay of surgery, delay or turn around in recovery and ultimately death.
Within this year we want an intramural blood bank running: this entails the proper machines, proper materials, proper knowledge from laboratory and nurses and a stable electricity network.
As part of the blood bank but also as a result in itself, we want to switch certain area’s of the hospital to solar-powered and battery-stored electricity. For the bloodbank it is necessary to have a constant supply of electricity to keep the laboratory fridge running. Other area’s that will be connected to the batteries are the general laboratory, Operating Theatre, X-ray Unit and 2 wards with critical care patients.
As part of this year we will purchase various diagnostic tools and various patient related materials.
The results as mentioned above are fairly basic for any hospital. The full plan will benefit the people of Northern Sierra Leone greatly, but already a first step like this will affect the community in a positive way. Any improvement in health care means improvement in individual lives as well as overall well being.
A side effect of improving health care is better patient participation. Even though our staff explains a patient’s conditions to them, the general awareness of health issues is very low. With improving health care, patients will be prompted to learn more about their health and make appropriate decisions. This varies from knowledge about managing your diabetes, to preferring the hospital above traditional healers.
As for the long term sustainability for this first year, we ask for nothing that is not readily available in Sierra Leone. Solar power is not uncommon and so maintenance thereof neither. After training the laboratory and the nurses in running a blood bank, it will be used frequently so knowledge will stay up to date. The medical officers are already trained in using and interpreting different laboratory variables or patient monitors.

Phase 2 of 3: General care expansion within CGC hospital (2023 / 2024)
This project will be part of a program to make the CGC more sustainable and increase the healthcare quality and capacity. In this phase universal anaesthesia/respiration machine, kidney stone pulverizer, kidney dialysis equipment, laboratory equipment and associated trainings will be delivered.
Specific projectplan will be created during the execution of Phase 1 van 3: Increase self-sufficiency of CGC hospital and set up blood bank.

Phase 3 of 3: Expansion of CGC hospital capacity (2024 / 2025)
This project will be part of a program to make the CGC more sustainable and increase the healthcare quality and capacity. In this phase renovation of the existing building behind the hospital and adding a second floor to it to accommodate the new laboratory, physio will be delivered.
Specific projectplan will be created during the execution of Phase 2 van 3: General Care extension at CGC Hospital.